Fighter (#510)

Yeah. My movie choice for yesterday seems desperate, but there’s one thing you can always say about films made in Bollywood. Despite the language problem and the sometimes difficult to read captions, you can manage to figure out what’s going on because they're not too complex. I saw an interesting one yesterday even though it was about 2 1/2 hours long. This one was entitled FIGHTER snd it was the Indian version of Top Gun, with the hero even more outrageous, insubordinate and courageous than Tom Cruise. It is about the Indian Air Force snd their mission to fight rebel terroristic activists led by an evil guy easily identified by his deep voice. It is focused on a special team assigned to this mission and led by the Indian Tom Cruise Patty (also called Shami by his family) who is romantically involved with another team member. It is a thriller snd features some good air fights and, as we have come to expect, group dance sequences in the midst of all t...