The Boys in the Boat (#499)

Some months ago I read a book I really enjoyed and recommended to others and was excited when I learned it was going to be made into a movie.  Directed by George Clooney, THE BOYS IN THE BOAT film, while not as good as the book, was a very good movie, although one of my grandsons described it as “okay.”  Starring no one I had ever seen or heard of except for Joel Edgerton as the coach, it is an inspirational sports story based on a true one in the tradition of Chariots of Fire and other films which trace success stories from the brink of failure.  It is poignant and funny and exciting and even includes a tender romance which does not deter or mar the story in any way.  This story concerns a bunch of young, destitute students at the University of Washington during the depression whose only way to stay in school is to compete for a place on the junior varsity 8-man shell coached by a legendary man.  Rowing is a back-breaking, arduous sport in which I briefly participated when my football coach recommended it for me to rehabilitate my seriously injured knee.  I have enormous respect for the guys who row, be it shells or two or one man boats.  The movie traces their path from east and west coast regattas to a surprising appearance in the 1936 summer Olympic games in Germany.  I think this is the best film I have seen all year, and I recommend it highly.  True to form and what I anticipated, only 57% of critics liked it, but 96% of audiences agreed with me.


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