Deadpool & Wolverine (#581)

I did not keep a promise to see no more Marvel Comic films and i regret that. I went to see DEADPOOL & WOLVERINE this afternoon and was all alone in the largest theater in the complex and it was so cold I was afraid I would get frostbite. It was a very silly movie in which they acted as though they had just discovered the "f" word and felt obligated to use it and other profanities as often as possible. I am sorry, readers, but I just don't understand or "get" this kind of movie and this seeming tribute to superheroes who act as though they were dumb as dirt. I hope this is a satire and was made with tongue-in-cheek, but for some reason I doubt it. Ryan Reynolds, as one of the title stars, won easily as dumbest and silliest, but Hugh Jackman, who should know better, wasn't far behind. I am not going to even mention the plot because I just didn't care, and with the temperature of the theater and my disinterest, I left before the torture of more th...