Wonka (#497)
I’m in a nostalgic mood after viewing WONKA. I fondly recall nights when I read stories to my children at bedtime. One of their favorites was Roald Dahl's "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory," which was reread many times. And I liked both movies made of the book, with Gene Wilder and Johnny Depp playing the role of Willie Wonka. I liked the latest version as well, but not as much. It is a charming musical fantasy depicting Willie in the early days of his career, trying to establish himself as a master chocolate maker. Willie is played okay but not great by someone named Timothée Chalamet, whom I must have seen in other roles but can’t recall which. Willie arrives in the big city (London?), attracting large crowds on the street peddling his chocolates with his singing, dancing and feats of magic, but is driven away by police who follow the orders of three evil rival chocolateers. He is conned into debt along with others by an evil innkeeper. Willie obviously overcomes all adversity and obstacles aided by his fellow “prisoners in debt” in the inn, led by the wonderful Jim Carter whom many of you will remember as the head of the household staff at Downton Abby. Other notables in minor roles are Rowan Atkinson and Sally Hawkins and, of all people, Hugh Grant ss an Oompa Loompa (remember them?) who actually sings the oompa loompa song from Charlie. Most of the songs are originals and pleasant. It’s light and funny and enjoyable, and I have no major complaints. Be assured, it has a happy ending and some fun stuff as the closing credits roll. Critics (84%) and audiences (91%) like it too.
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