The Inventor (#465)

Yes, I make mistakes. Many of you know that I am no a big fan of animated films and rarely, if ever, see and review them. But when I saw that a film was showing which sounded interesting and educational, if animated, I decided to take a chance. I was alone in the theater for a 3:10 p.m. showing of THE INVENTOR and found the opening and credits well done and imaginative. But the rest was disappointing at best. This movie, depicting the life of Leonardo DaVinci, one of the world’s most recognized geniuses — a painter, scientist and thinker — was just plain disappointing. With the opportunity to expose him and his achievements to a massive audience, the producers missed the boat. It became a typical animated film, silly at times, with inappropriate singing and dancing. And I won’t say any more than that. As to be expected, critics gave it a 76% thumbs up, while audiences were more critical with only 44% approval.