The Iron Claw (#498)

I saw THE IRON CLAW with my daughter the day before we flew to South Carolina for Christmas with most of my family, missing only my grandson, his wife, and my only great granddaughter who live in Denver. It is a film about professional wrestling and was, no surprise based on a true story in which the father and three sons were world class pro wrestlers. My daughter pointed out that it starred Zac Ephron, whom I will never recognize, who was so heavily muscled, she didn’t know who it was at first. The Iron Claw is a wrestling move created and named by the father which involves putting pressure on the opponent’s head with your hand, presumably rendering him helpless. I was never a fan of pro wrestling; I don’t consider it a real sport. And that the story is filled with one tragic event after another, I didn’t care. My film-making and film-loving grandson chided me for not recognizing the quality film-making in this one. It had a lot of action and poigna...