A Quiet Place: Day One (#570)

As I was leaving the theater today, i remarked to a middle aged couple also leaving, "could they make it any worse?" To which they replied laughing, "we've seen worse!" It had one thing in common with the grand film I saw yesterday—there were basically only two characters. But yesterday the two spoke almost constantly for 1 hour and 41 minutes; in the 1 hour and 40 minutes of A QUIET PLACE: DAY ONE, there was virtually no dialogue (I think I could count the number of lines of dialogue on my fingers) and some of it was indecipherable whispering. I did not know, until I got home and did a little research, that this movie was supposed to be a prequel to the two films from a couple of years ago directed by John Krasinski and starring Emily Blunt. I recall that I liked them quite a bit. I envision the producers going to Krasinski and saying how would you like.to do the prequel to which he responds after reading the treatment or the script. "you've got t...